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What Are Five Good Customer Service Traits?

Just because customer service representative is typically considered an entry level job, doesn’t mean that it’s always a simple one. Companies should look for people who possess certain traits and skills of a good customer service representative.

What are 5 good customer service traits?

Being a customer service representative isn’t the easiest job, and there are certain traits that make some people better suited for a job in customer service. The following are five characteristics of good customer service to look for when choosing the best candidates for the job:

  • Active listener: Good listening skills are key for those working in customer service. No matter how many times they may have heard the same questions or problems, customer service reps need to listen as though they’re hearing it for the first time. Each customer is unique, but they all want to feel like they are important and that they have been heard. Customer service reps need to be active listeners in order to give the customer a personalized, positive experience.
  • Clear communication skills: Not every customer has the same experience or knowledge, so customer service reps need to be able to relay information in a way that each customer will understand. It is important for them to avoid using jargon that would be confusing for the customer and be able to break things down into simple, understandable language.
  • Personable: Being in customer service means dealing with a diverse range of personalities and attitudes. Good customer service reps are people who are friendly, patient, empathetic, and are able to maintain a positive attitude even when encountering someone who is angry or rude. Remaining calm and polite can help defuse the situation and turn the customer’s attitude around.
  • Detail-oriented: Customer service reps often cycle through a high number of customers in a day. They need to be able to pay attention to all of the little details and keep information organized. This helps keep repetitive questions to a minimum and results in a more efficient process for the customer.
  • Problem-solver: Problem-solving is often a large part of a customer service rep’s job, so they need to be able to ascertain the customer’s problem, evaluate the potential solutions, decide on the best one, and then follow through with it. This is an especially important trait for those who work remotely because they don’t necessarily have a team of people around to assist them.

What are the qualities of a good customer service representative?

In addition to the traits listed above, there are other qualities that make for a good customer service representative. High emotional intelligence (EQ) is extremely helpful because it allows customer service reps to recognize, understand, and manage both their and the customer’s emotions. Adaptability and flexibility are also helpful qualities because customer service representatives deal with a lot of variabilities. The people, products, policies, and technology that they are working with often change, so it is important for customer service reps to be able to change with them. It is therefore also imperative that they be knowledgeable about their company, brand, products, and services. Companies need to train their reps and keep them up-to-date on any changes that occur, so that they can make the best decisions and provide superlative customer service.

What strategies do you use to work with difficult customers?

Without a doubt, those who work in customer service are going to experience difficult customers at some point. Having a people-first attitude in customer service is one of the best strategies when interacting with customers, especially difficult ones. This means that the relationship with the customer is considered the core of every interaction. Staying calm, practicing empathy, actively listening and paying attention to tone or verbal cues, and responding patiently and politely are all good customer service examples that help personalize the experience and can help de-escalate a situation. It is also important to provide quick responses and solutions while ensuring that you aren’t making promises that you can’t keep. Be clear about the next steps and then follow through with them. It is vital that you request backup when you feel your own control slipping. It is better to ask for help than to respond in an angry or negative manner.

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