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Can Human Resources Be Replaced By AI?

As the scope and use of artificial intelligence (AI) increases, many are left wondering if they are going to be replaced by a computer or robot. While there are jobs that may be replaced by AI, areas such as human resources (HR) benefit from using AI to augment current practices but aren’t likely to be replaced by it.

How does AI affect marketing?

Over the years, the internet and social media have changed the way that companies approach their marketing strategies. The use of digital marketing is increasing at a rapid pace, and AI is being used to drive these campaigns. Because of how efficiently and accurately AI can analyze data, it is the ideal way to collect feedback and learn more about the target audience, whether through social media, keyword searches, or other online activity. Marketers can use this data to create targeted ad-campaigns that are personalized to the consumer. This eliminates the guesswork which saves companies time and money, all while enhancing the consumer experience and increasing customer satisfaction. Graphic designers are an important part of marketing, and despite all of the advancements in generative AI, they aren’t likely to be entirely replaced by it because there will always be a need for the complex thinking skills and creativity that only humans are capable of.

Is human resources going to be replaced by AI?

Even though there may be some roles within the workplace that will be replaced by AI, HR isn’t likely to be one of them. While AI is beneficial for streamlining certain HR operations, there are many aspects of HR that require a human touch. AI requires humans to input data so it can function, and it is only as good as the data used to program it. Therefore, jobs like computer engineers won’t be replaced by robots either because machines cannot replicate the tasks required of this position. AI also lacks emotional intelligence, which is essential to building relationships, reducing stress and conflict, and improving employee satisfaction. Being an empathetic and effective communicator is necessary for those working in HR. 

Gartner, Inc. is a technological research and consulting company that conducts and shares research on technology. A survey conducted by Gartner identified the top three technology trends of 2023, which are skills management, learning experience platforms, and internal talent marketplaces. AI tools can aid in all of these areas as well as be used to increase employee engagement. AI can more quickly gather and analyze feedback, personalize training and learning to make it more engaging and understandable, and evaluate which skills and work styles are needed for certain tasks or collaborations. So, while AI does have a role in employee engagement, it’s the people using the information to connect with others that really makes the difference.

What are some examples of how AI works?

AI is an advanced technology that is programmed to use data to do things that usually require human intelligence. It can process vast amounts of data more quickly and efficiently than humans, then analyze it to recognize and learn patterns to make decisions like humans. An article on Hubspot explains the step-by-step process AI goes through. AI first needs an engineer to input data that it then processes using algorithms to determine what to do with the data it’s given. After the data is processed, it predicts outcomes and whether they will be a failure or success. If it predicts failure, it can learn from this and adjust to produce a more successful outcome. The final phase is assessment, where AI analyzes the data then makes predictions and inferences. It can also provide feedback before the algorithms are run again.

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