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Employee Engagement: How to Increase Workplace Productivity

As we move into this new year, many companies are thinking about growth and increasing productivity.  What most don’t realize is how employee engagement is directly related to both of these things.  If your employees aren’t actively engaged or connected to your vision, they may lack the enthusiasm to bring their all to the workplace day in and day out.  Of course, some may always be on the “A” game but others might need a little motivation.  This blog will give you a few ideas on how to motivate your team, better connect employees to your mission and foster growth on a number of different levels. 

Be an example.

What employees need to see most, is a leader who leads by example.  If you want to engage your team, you must be engaging.  If you are not open to learning and growing yourself, how can you expect your team to be?  Although clear boundaries are important, open communication and connection with your team will lend itself to ongoing motivation.  One thing that leaders forget is the importance of work-life balance. There is life outside of work which is important to acknowledge both in your own life and as a demonstration to your team.

Understand their needs. 

How often have you asked your employees what would make their job easier?  Are they in need of further training in a certain area?  Are their physical needs within their department that might help things to run a little smoother?  Do they feel confident communicating those needs?  Ask yourself those questions and continue seeking feedback from your team.  

Set clear goals. 

Whether you set weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or yearly goals, it’s important to share these with your team.  If there is room for improvement in some areas, ask opinions and allow them to be a part of the goal setting process.  Nothing engages someone more than being a part of making something happen that they believe in.  They know their departments well so trust their feedback and encourage them to continue sharing their ideas with you or their direct supervisor.

Create a company culture that motivates and encourages creativity.  

The culture you create within the confines of your company correlates with what others will see on the outside.  If an environment lacks luster, you might see the same from your employees.  Consider posting positive quotes in shared spaces, take a look at your lighting to see if it could use any improvements and fix anything that may not be in working order.  Consider starting morning meetings, sending out encouraging weekly messages and updating your team on where you are at achieving the goals you’ve set together.  Be sure your employees are stepping away from their workspace every so often, maybe even to a courtyard or space inside where they can reset.  

Introduce time management techniques. 

Just because you may be good at managing your time doesn’t mean that your employees are.  Limiting distractions will play a huge role in ensuring your team is making the most of their time.  Reiterate team goals and help your employees to set their own goals within their departments and as individuals.  Believe it or not, taking periodic breaks from day-to-day tasks will actually help employees to be more productive and better at managing their time.  Resetting throughout the day makes a difference!

Leverage technology. 

Technology is one of the best investments we can make for our team.  If there are ways to streamline processes or make the job easier, consider investing for the betterment of your team.  Whether it’s a new software program, office equipment or even continued education or training, you will see a return when making an investment!

A cohesive team that feels connected to their company’s mission, that feels valued and heard will radiate to those you serve.  It all starts by maximizing office efficiency, enhancing work environments and creating strategies to improve employee performance.  Through employer-led initiatives, effective management practices and implementing practical techniques to keep your team inspired, engaged and connected, you’re sure to see an increase in productivity as the year progresses.

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