The Importance of Transparent Communication During the Hiring Process

Transparent communication during the hiring process is essential for creating a positive candidate experience and building a strong employer brand. In an era where candidates are more informed and have higher expectations, clear and honest communication can make a significant difference in attracting and retaining top talent. Transparency involves providing candidates with accurate information about…

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Skills-Based Hiring: Matching Talent to Task

In today’s rapidly changing workplace, the traditional emphasis on degrees and credentials is shifting towards a more dynamic approach– skills-based hiring. This method focuses on candidates’ specific skills and competencies rather than their formal qualifications alone. By matching talent directly to tasks, businesses can drive greater efficiency, enhance productivity, and foster a more inclusive workplace.…

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How the Best Recruiters Land the Top Candidates

Title card for blog, picture of Karen Spann, an older, Caucasian woman.

How Top Recruiters Land Superior Candidates by Targeting the Passive Talent Pool In the highly competitive world of recruitment, how do the top 5% of recruiters consistently hire the top 5% of candidates? These elite candidates are typically not looking for a job; we call them passive candidates because they enjoy their current position and…

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Did You Hire the Best Recruiter?

Title card for blog, picture of Karen Spann, an older, Caucasian woman.

An outstanding recruiter can be a game-changer when you make your next career move. The following is an overview of things that distinguish recruiters from one another. Understanding of Sector or Industry Candidates often prefer recruiters who have a deep understanding of their specific sector or industry. This specialization means recruiters can offer valuable insights,…

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Can You Win The Turnover War?

Title card for blog, picture of Karen Spann, an older, Caucasian woman.

High employee turnover can be costly and disruptive to any organization. It affects the bottom line due to the costs associated with recruiting and training new employees and impacts team morale and productivity. Reducing turnover is essential for maintaining a stable, engaged, productive workforce. Here’s a comprehensive guide to effectively reduce turnover and foster a…

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How the Best Recruiters Attract Top Talent

Title card for blog, picture of Karen Spann, an older, Caucasian woman.

In the competitive digital recruitment landscape, attracting top candidates is increasingly becoming an art form that blends technology, personalization, and strategic engagement. Recruiters must differentiate themselves to appeal to potential candidates. Below outlines the approaches and strategies that make some recruiters stand out more than others in the digital marketplace. Leveraging Advanced Technology Recruiters who…

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You Can Win in Sales

Title card for blog, picture of Karen Spann, an older, Caucasian woman.

In the competitive sales world, striking the right balance between being persuasive and not coming across as too “salesy” is an art. Adopting a consultative approach can lead to more meaningful conversations and successful outcomes for sales professionals looking to sell the benefits of their company’s products or services effectively. Here’s how to market your…

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Growing Together: Community Involvement for Business Growth

Individuals of diverse backgrounds gather outdoors to give donated food and non-perishables, providing support to the hungry and homeless. Multiracial volunteers share fresh free meals to poor people.

Growing Together: Community Involvement for Business Growth Have you ever considered that business growth and community involvement go hand-in-hand? In the heart of every successful business lies a strong sense of community. At PEG Staffing & Recruiting, we firmly believe in the mutually beneficial connection between giving back to the community and fostering business growth.…

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